In this area, we clarify Gay history, and the Gay Rights Movement with FRED SARGEANT.
There is a library of You Tube videos, making visible the stories of de-transitioning men.
And an important fact sheet about Puberty Blockers.

Puberty Blockers

The Gay Men's Network sees the use of experimental Puberty Blockers as a danger to gender non-conforming children, many of whom are most likely to grow up to be gay, according to research.

We have created an important, easy to read and handy set of fact sheets about the reality of Puberty Blockers.


Fred Sargeant is a gay American same-sex rights activist.
His roots in the movement go back to before the Stonewall riots. He was a proposer and organizer of the first pride march then known as the Christopher Street Liberation Day march, held on June 28, 1970. He was also the initial manager of the Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop, the first gay and lesbian bookshop in the world, in New York City.


“I find it so concerning that the damage being done today, is being done to a generation”

— Fred Sargeant


“Stormé De Larverie, who was a lesbian being arrested, yelled out to us:
’Why don’t you guys do something’.
That’s when the riot really kicked off.”

— Fred Sargeant

“It’s a constant effort to try to keep the truth out there and try to use real source and process, sources that are being ignored by the revisions'.”

— Fred Sargeant


“Without knowing our history we are going to go nowhere and we are going to be forgotten. We are going to end up as part of the gender movement.”

— Fred Sargeant

QUICK FAQs - By TullipR

TullipR is a British gay man who has detransitioned from being a transwomen. His substack content succinctly describes his life’s journey, and his critical analysis of gender ideology, whilst on the road to recovery.

The History of
homosexuality in the UK.

The fascinating relationship between society and homosexuality in Great Britain 1533-1990. Abbreviated. Part 1.

These extracts come from EDI Jester’s book, ‘Untangled’ available on Amazon

By Barry Wall (EDI Jester)

This part of the GMN website is dedicated to hearing the voices and stories of de-transitioning men. Most of whom are gay.

Hearing from RICHIE HERRON:

Richie (TullipR) is a British gay man who has de-transitioned from being a transwomen. His Substack content succinctly describes his life’s journey, and his critical analysis of gender ideology.
Here, he is interviewed by Andy Ngo.

Hearing from AIRIEL

An abusive and emotional confused father played a major role in his ‘gender dysphoria’.

Hearing from CALVIN:

Every trans person will really appreciate the euphoria Calvin talks about, and what that ultimately revealed.

Hearing from BRIAN:

Brian had been severely bullied as a child, and the messages his father modelled about masculinity didn’t help Brian understand himself or accept his homosexuality. Here he is interviewed by Stephanie Winn

Hearing from PATRICK:

Patrick is an Australian teenager who took estrogen at early puberty. But at 14 changed his mind and now seeks chest surgery to fix the permanent effects of that medicalisation.

Hearing from GARRETT:

‘Garrett lost his testicles in the process of pursuing an identity that was false for him.’ Interviewer Benjamin Boyce, allows Garrett who is gay, to describe his bad experiences of trans medicalisation.

Hearing from PATRICK:

In this Dutch documentary, several interesting people talk. But it is Patrick’s story, of how living as a woman for three years after medicalisation and surgery, did not make him feel happier or healthier.
Sadly Patrick, who is a gay man, has been given permission for euthanasia.

Hearing from SHAPE SHIFTER:

Shape Shifter is a passionate detransitioning male, who says, “No more hormones and genital surgeries on children. Bring back femboys, tomboys and androgyny.”