Gay Men Talk (GMT) is a dedicated Twitter Space where gay men share their opinions and stories about the weeks chosen topic, (displayed below).
It’s a place where you can tune in and listen, learn or reflect on one another’s experiences as gay men of all ages.
There is always a host who manages the live audio space, who will begin with a short introduction to the week’s topic. You can listen to the Space from your desktop, but to participate you will need to log into Twitter from your phone.
Previous topics have included:
Without role models, will we always doubt ourselves?
Monkey Pox, know the facts.
Drag: Is it an artform, or woman face?
Violence in men’s bathrooms: are any of us safe?
Gay men: adoption and surrogacy.
Culture, media, art, hobbies and literature.
The age range of men talking varies from mid 20’s to late 60’s. The Space has been incredibly valuable for younger men seeking advice from gay man, through stories and experiences shared. It has also been educational for older gay men learning about the trials and tribulations of growing up gay in the digital age.
The Space is vetted. Only gay men are allowed to talk, but the Space is open to anyone who wishes to listen. If you have never used Twitter Spaces before, men in the group will help you find your footing if you wish to join in.
The host will be ‘Pink_Carbonunit’, who as a 50 year old gay man, has hosted many other successful gay men only Spaces. The Space will run from our Twitter account:
Next: Please stand by.
Our gay mens Twitter Spaces are run by gay men for gay men. We look at all aspects of modern society that effect us. Our history, our place in society, our concerns and our shared experiences.
26/1/23 - General Chat.
This informal space talked about the loss of gay mens sex-based spaces.
We heard stories of being ‘elbowed out’ of the scene or community, because they had failed too sign up to so-called ‘progressive’ ideologies about what a gay man is.
We heard a shocking story from an authenticated gay clinician. A young gay man had been coerced into sex with a female through gender ideology. It had led to impotence for every sexual encounter from that point, because of trauma.
5/12/22 - Relationships with Fathers.
This space was rich with positive stories of the relationships between gay men and their fathers.
Many bonded more with their fathers after coming out, with one father revealing his bisexuality.
There were some very sad stories of abusive biological fathers. Thankfally, they were replaced with wonderful new father figures in the shape of the mothers new partner.
27/11/22 - Open Relationships - keeping the spark alive?.
Several men attending the space mentioned how their current situation was in need of this discussion. It was helpful to hear various opinions, from those who found open relationships helpful, and those who saw it as an infringement of trust.
Importantly, many agreed that honesty and clear conversation with ones partner was vital. Even if there were no dalliances.
Candidly, we talked about the tonic of a loving relationship and the difference between that and ‘throw-away’ sex.
Points were raised about gay men having to find their own way in adult gay relationships, as no handbook exists.
20/11/22 - Qatar, World Cup, David Beckham and Joe Lycett.
We had consensus on Joe lycett’s video of £10K being shredded was both a waste of money, a damp squib and a massive publicity stunt.
We noted that the media constantly described the homophobia in Qatar as ‘LGBTQ’ rights, when actually, Sharia law strictly prohibits specifically, MALE homosexuality, and as any Muslim having sex outside of marriage, will result in up to 7 years in prison. There are currently no recorded Gay men, who have been put to death for that reason.
It was noted that in the medias conversation about human rights in Qatar, women’s rights were never mentioned.
6/11/22 - Life before the dating apps: Was it better.
Many stories were recounted about meeting people of all ages and walks of life in pubs during the 80’s and 90’s.
We talked about the frisson of the chase. And how that was exciting and life affirming. The charm of risk and dare.
We noted when meeting other men, the art of conversation revealed a richness of personality completely bypassed by modern day apps.
We had consensus from all age groups that Apps have contributed to sterilised approach to dating.
29/10/22 - Talking to our Australian brothers
We connected with several Australian men, many of whom are part of Australian grass root organisations fighting the new homophobia.
We possibly made some valuable connections between London law firms and ones in Australia.
We were able to make friendships and listen to/advise about what has been successful to us, that may be successful to our Australian brothers.
It was revealed to us that ACON is Australias version of Stonewall, and discussed how important it was to archive/recognise everything ACON was doing to undermine the definition of homosexuality.
16/10/22 - First kiss, break-ups and unrequited love.
A moving space where we heard from many men having to negotiate love and maturity with no instruction manual.
Like many other spaces we noted a consistent lack of gay role models on television, media or film.
We heard an incredibly moving story about someones first kiss, that silenced the space.
9/10/22 - Camp men.
It was heartily noted that camp men, are some of the most tenacious and brave men in the gay cohort.
It forms a rich and layered history of homosexuality in the UK.
It was agreed that many of us if not all had an element of camp within us.
Whist appreciating camp characteristics in men, it was agreed that non-camp gay men were not represented in the media, film, or culture. Not for many decades.